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SPP – Symbol of Small Producers (Fair Trade)


What is SPP? 

SPP is an intercontinental network of ecological small-producer organizations. In partnership with committed companies and consumers and legitimized by independent certification, we fight for the recognition of our work and high-quality products, a dignified life, and a healthy planet for all.

Principles and Values

The Declaration of Principles and Values of the Small Producers’ Symbol contains the collective philosophical and socio-political foundations of the Symbol. It is based on the principles and values of the small producers’ organizations that made the creation of this symbol possible.

These Principles and Values were generated, developed, respected and promoted by a myriad of organizations of small producers – small farmers, indigenous people and rural artisans – in Latin America, the Caribbean and other continents over the last decades. These organizations are not only economic-oriented organizations, such as production and marketing cooperatives, but in essence, they are social organizations that seek to effectively and efficiently dignify the lives of the affiliated producers, their families, and their communities.

By means of this document, the small producers’ organizations that founded the Small Producers’ Symbol describe and promote their vision not only of small farmers’ organizations, but also of society and the economy in general.

The Declaration of Principles and Values also allows these small producers’ organizations to distance themselves from the principles, values, and practices that prevail in the current dominant global economic system and that are not inclusive or sustainable, in economic, environmental or social terms

Read the Declaration of Principles and Values here


a. Participating small producers’ organizations operate on the basis of democracy, transparency and respect for the environment.

b. The costs of sustainable production should be covered, and producers should be recognized for their work that allows their families to live with dignity and that respects the environment.

c. Participating Buyers, Collective Trading Companies owned by Small Producers’ Organizations, Intermediaries and Maquila Companies make a serious commitment, with transparency, to small producers’ organizations, and to the principles and values of the Small Producers’ Symbol.

d. Local economies are promoted, and efforts are made to generate added value for producers and their communities.

For details on the criteria, the General Standard of the Small Producers’ Symbol may be consulted.


a. Originally, the Symbol was open to Small Producers’ Organizations (SPOs) in all the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. It was later extended to Small Producers’ Organizations from Africa and Asia, including only developing countries.

b. It can be used by certified Organizations and registered Buyers, Collective Trading Companies owned by Small Producers’ Organizations, Intermediaries and Maquila Companies in the markets in approved countries:

  • Several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Developing countries in Africa and Asia
  • European Community, Switzerland, Canada, the United States of America.

c. In the case of countries that have not been approved, Organizations (SPOs), Buyers (BUY), Collective Trading Companies owned by Small Producers´ Organizations (C-SPOs), Intermediaries (INT) and Maquila Companies (MAQ) may present a request for obtaining approval.

d. The Symbol may be applied to agricultural and beekeeping products and crafts. SPP Global approval must be requested for other products

For more information visit the website:


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